Importing Strategies from Another Computer
Author: joannakim
Creation Date: 6/6/2013 9:54 AM
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Hi. I am trying to import my strategies that are on my PC to my laptop. How do I do that?

I seem to see folders when I click on the Open Strategy tab on WLP on my PC that are not there when I do the same thing on my lap top, and I would like to have all the strategies on my lap top just like on my PC. Thanks.
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Goes to show that computers do some things very well compared to humans!!

Okay, I found the strategy folder in my C drive of my PC. I know this is very basic, but how do I copy this folder to my laptop? Thanks for your patience.
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I copied the folder ( fight click, copy,) and pasted on my external hard drive, then copied from there onto the c drive of my lap top within the WILP Data folder. I logged out of WLP, logged back in, and clicked Open Strategy, and the folder that i just copied does not show up? What to do? Thanks.
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Okay, I thought trying to copy a folder does not work. So I went into the folder, and copied the file that to my external hard drive. then I plugoged the hard drive to my laptop, and opened WLP, went to import, and then "opened" the file which seemed to contain XML. And it seemed to have worked. Did I get this right?

Now, I opened the strategy from my laptop in WLP. And there is an error message at the bottom in the error message box that says: error CSO246 @ (7, 7); The type of namespace name 'Community" could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

do I need to reinstall Comunity? Have things changed since I was gone? And where is that?
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The same strategy on my PC from which the stra tegy on my laptop was copied from does not show any error message on the
editor screen. i don't know why it is showing the error message on my laptop version.
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Hi. any suggestions yet? I am still getting the error message. Thanks.
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The line the error message is pointing to does not seem to show anything wrong. Please see the screenshot.
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Goes to show that computers do some things very well compared to humans!!

Thanks but I'm human, not a computer. I just used our website's "search as you type" feature. I'm sure you could do that too.

I copied the folder

Your walkthrough was detailed but for your future reference, it missed just one but key detail: "the folder" remained unknown after four posts of yours. If you were copying to/from a wrong folder, it'd help if you told us what "the folder" was. Anyway, as you just ascertained, double checking everything goes a long way.

do I need to reinstall Comunity? Have things changed since I was gone? And where is that?

I can point you again to the very thread where you already asked that same question (and I answered), but unfortunately it is beyond my power to make you read my reply #4:

Importing My Strategies to a Second Computer
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Eugene, I installed all the extensions that I could see in the Tools menu of Wlp, but there was nothing that said: Community or Community.components. I searched for those words in the Wiki, and somehow I got a page called "external methods" or something that said that with the recent version of wlp, it is no longer necessary to install Community..........

The page was too esoteric for me, and if there is a way for me to install Community, I would be glad to. Because the same strategy on my PC works fine without any error message, and it would be my dream to get out of this nightmare of my strategy on laptop that got imported from my PC constantly giving me this error message. I could really do something more interesting with my time, I thought.

What do you think I should do.

And where is the "search as you type" box that you were referring to. Thanks for you help.
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The "folder" that I brought over to my lap top from my PC that you were asking about was: Loceal Disk(C:)/Users/owner/AppData/Roaming/FidelityInvestments/WealthLabPro/

I right clicked on Mystrategyname folder, and chose "send to" and chose My Passport (H:) which is my external hard drive, and plugged that external hard drive into my lap top, and got the folder moved to my WLP.

I hope this answered your question about what "folder" I was talking about in my previous post.
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I have Windows 7 Home Premium on my PC and Windows Ultimate on my lap top. Thanks
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with the recent version of wlp, it is no longer necessary to install Community..........

Wish it was that simple. Your understanding of the Wiki documentation is far from being correct but we're not going to discuss the ins and out of it. It will be a success for me to just help you install that library!

To install Community Components, select "Extensions" from the black dropdown menu that says "Wealth-Lab Software", and find it by typing a few characters of its name. If it's challenging, here's a shortcut: Community Components library.

And where is the "search as you type" box that you were referring to.

You could have noticed it when you clicked on "New Topic" earlier today to start a new forum topic. It was on the left. You'll be suprised to find that big text box that says "Search..." everywhere on the forum, inside every forum category.
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good news. While I was tinkering, I entered "community" into a search box that I found, and got a hold of Community.Components, and downloaded it.

The culprit for me was that I thought that I could find all the extensions that I needed to download by going to the Tools menu, but i don't think that is the case, correct???

My strategy compiled, finally!!!!!!!
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