How to set a (minimum) PricePane height ?
Author: Ben_Zurich
Creation Date: 3/26/2012 8:50 AM
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PricePane.Height gets 0 (zero), and I cannot find a method to set the height. In particular, I want to keep the height of the price pane above a certain minimum. How can I do it?
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Could you clarify the purpose?
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I have many panes and I want to ensure that the price pane doesn't get too small. I believe that WL6 adjusts the subpanes according to the heights given to them. It seems, however, that I can only influence the height of the price pane indirectly by means of the heights of the subpanes.

If it is not possible to set a height to the price pane, I would like to know how WL6 calculates the percentage of the height for the price pane, given the heights of the subpanes.
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Thanks. That's right, there is no way to influence the PricePane's height. The calculation algorithm is not disclosed. Furthemore, there's interdependence i.e. after a certain number of added ChartPanes, the PricePane can't be expanded beyond some threshold. So, don't open a more than reasonable number of ChartPanes, or make them rather small to make the internal logic happy. ;)
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