How to save indicator to use in strategy, in a chart...
Author: andriuking
Creation Date: 1/6/2013 3:06 PM
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I was studing the user and programming guide, but I don´t know how can I save an indicator created from script to can call it in strategy code.

For example I use that script to generate a indicator:

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¿How can I generate the Indicator so it appears on menu to plot it in chats or I can execute it on strategy scripts?

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¿How can I generate the Indicator so it appears on menu to plot it in chats or I can execute it on strategy scripts?

Only by creating an indicator library in an IDE of your choice (read: Visual Studio or SharpDevelop).

Wealth-Lab Version 6 (.NET) Development Guide > "Create an Indicator Library"
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Hello Again Eugene.

I read the the paper 'Creating an Indicator Library in Wealth-Lab Pro' and I understtod how is the process to create my indicators.

I have the problem than I never used visual studio or SharpeDevelop. When I paste the simple moving average example code in SharpeDevelop gives me errors on compilation. It says than can´t find dataseries type or namespace name.

I would like to know if you knows any tutorial or manual to learn programming in visual studio or SharpeDevelop than focus on similar wealth lab programming (not menus or forms). Any tutorial for the wealth lab user needs.

Thanks in advance!

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It says than can´t find dataseries type or namespace name.

You have to add a reference to WealthLab.dll and WealthLab.Indicators.dll to you project, and then a "using" directive on top of your namespace:

Please log in to see this code.

I would like to know if you knows any tutorial or manual to learn programming in visual studio or SharpeDevelop than focus on similar wealth lab programming (not menus or forms).

Any Visual Studio 101 book. There's nothing specific in your question. It's about basic principles.

It's easier to po play with a working solution, so you're welcome to grab the the Community Indicators project from the Wiki and experiment with its source code.
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Thanks Eugene.

I added 'using WealthLab.Indicators;' to the code (using WhealtLab appears in original code) and the compilation error is the same: don´t find dataseries namespace.

The code is the same than appears on pdf adding the 'using WealthLab.Indicators;' sentence. ¿Why it doesn´t compile?
¿what´s erroneous?

Thanks for your patience.
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Well, as I already said, first you must add the references and only then a "using" directive. For a how-to or watch this Youtube tutorial:

How To Add References...
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