How to rename indices in Index-Lab?
Author: HappyLoser
Creation Date: 8/29/2008 2:41 AM
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What about Index-Lab as a companion of WL 5? I am missing this quite useful tool. Are there any plans to implement the functions of Index-Lab (via an extension for example)?
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Re-engineering Wealth-Lab is a complex task. The functionality is released in phases. Everything has to be reimplemented under the new .NET platform. Eventually the add-ons like Reports-Lab or Index-Lab will return.
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I started to work with Index-Lab. Is it possible to rename individual indices?
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I'd like to say anything is possible, but in this case there isn't a provision to change an Index symbol once named.
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Renaming an index is a three-step procedure.

Assuming Windows 7, here's the base data path:

C:\Users\Windows username\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\

1. Edit the Symbol tag in the index XML definition file:

..\CustomIndices\Your Index.xml

2. Edit the DSString tag in the DataSet's XML file:

..\DataSets\Index-Lab Daily.xml (for Daily; for every time frame the file name is different)

3. Rename the file itself:

..\IndexStaticProvider\Daily\YOUR INDEX FILE.WL.

NOTE: the symbol must be in UPPERCASE everywhere, or renaming may not work out.

Note that since it's a "hack", it's manual, error-prone and therefore unsupported, so you're on your own.
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As I was saying, anything is possible but there is not provision for it. Recreating the index with a new symbol is MUCH easier!
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You're absolutely right :)
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