How to post my own purchase and sales points?
Author: higgsja
Creation Date: 1/7/2012 1:18 PM
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I'd like to be able to post my own purchase and sales point on the strategies I use. I've looked at the Create Dataset information, named series, etc., but it seems all want some sort of high, low close info. I'm thinking what I want is more like fundamental data where a symbol is posted at a date/price point on the chart.

So, if I created a data file, either ascii or excel, with the following fields, how can I work out a way to post that on the chart?

1. Date
2. Action (buy or sell)
3. Price

Appreciate any info!

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Here's what you need:

Import real (historical) trades
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Very nice, Eugene. Thank you!
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So, I'm coming up short on searching for how to get the components, install them to WB and then use them. Is there some spot in the wiki where I can find that info?

Again, Thanks!!
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See Wealth-Lab User Guide > Extension Manager
click "Extensions" for an illustrated guide
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Ok, didn't realize it was an extension. Got it.

On the wiki pages I can't seem to find detailed help on what methods, etc., are included, either for PositionHelper or in general for the components. Using the link you provided, there is a limited example for PositionHelper SimTradeFile method but nothing else.

Specifically, I can't tell how to go from reading the file to displaying it. Generally, it is unclear to me how to see all the methods and use them.

Are there additional help files or documentation I'm just not finding?

Thanks in advance - I'm sure the newby questions are redundant ...
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By their nature, the Community Components methods could've been created by different authors, they can be internal (helper methods) or pretty obvious. But everything you need to employ the SimTradeFile is already there on its online help page. (There also are past forum discussions from other users: searching the forum is always a good idea). Create a text file in one of the formats the method is able to parse, pass the two arguments (the file name and date format), the rest is done by the method the example code you saw by visiting the link above. Just digest the Wiki example, it's ready for use and self-contained, there's no other methods to document. If it's not clear please rephrase your question.
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Found a note from you about clicking on the MS123 in extension manager. That took me to a page I'd been on before. I can see the revision history but nothing else. I think what's missing for me is the "Attachments" link on that page. I've submitted a service request.
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Making progress on this. What I'm doing is exporting trades from Quicken and using that file to put actual trades into WB. So, similar to SimTradeFile using a different source. This would keep me from having to maintain a second file of trades.

It seems that SimTradeFile requires complete trade pairs. Given the source I will use, that won't be the case as there will be open trades in the file.

When there is an open trade in a strategy, hovering over the "buy" shows a black line extending into the future, ostensibly to some "sell".

Seems like there must be some pseudo-point created in WB for that closing trade and I would like to duplicate how WB creates that in what I am doing to ensure consistency of treatment by WB.

Do you know what WB does for that?

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It seems that SimTradeFile requires complete trade pairs.

If you revisit the online documentation, you'll find that there are two distinct versions: "Original SimTradeFile" which accepts "complete trade pairs", and "Robert Sucher version" where each individual transaction is placed on its own line.
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Sure enough.

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From reply #10,
"Original SimTradeFile" which accepts "complete trade pairs"

So only closed trades and no open trades can not be accepted right?

"Robert Sucher version" where each individual transaction is placed on its own line

But this version does not allow trade size entry, right? Seems like only way is through Position Sizer.

So I have a dilemma. I would like to enter both open trade and it's trade size. Is this possible?
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But this version does not allow trade size entry, right?

Actually, SimTradeFile2 have always supported trade size entry but this was a documentation oversight. I've just reflected this fact in the Wiki.
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