How to plot 2 symbols on different panes with annotations, trades etc
Author: akuzn
Creation Date: 7/11/2012 1:28 PM
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Good day.
I use 5 methods that follow and trail open position and i plot all calculated levels on PricePane using
AnnotateBar, SetBackGroundColor, SetBarColor and some other methods.

But now i need to plot trades of 2 stocks. Price series are plotted on different panes.
Is there any way to use Chart methods not only on PricePane but on any other Pane?
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Not directly but there is a workaround. Check this out:

FAQ | Strategies and WealthScript > [LINK=]
Is there a way to see the trades on secondary symbols?[/LINK]
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More of the same:

Community Components > PlotSymbolTrades
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I followed FAQ link and i ve read it before

But AnnoteBar plots on PricePane... I dont understand how to use it on other pane.

I found how to use SetBackGroundColor on other pane ( it was in quickref )
CreatePane new_pane ();
new_pane.SetBackGroundColor ();
that's ok but what about AnnotateBar?
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Carefully read my other pointer.
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Interesting method.

As for lines, circles etc it will be easy to draw on any pane.

But still have no idea how to use AnnotateBar. I use this method to draw confirmed signals withoud trades.
Trade may be done or not.
I suppose if there is an example how to make triangles in FAQ link must be decision how to use AnnotateBar in other Pane. Unfortunately i cant use it like pane.SetBAckGroundColor().

SetContext is well described method.
But in given example triangle and arrow will be plotted on PricePane. But we need another pane.
Any idea?
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I suppose if there is an example how to make triangles in FAQ link must be decision how to use AnnotateBar in other Pane.

You can use AnnotateChart for that.
But in given example triangle and arrow will be plotted on PricePane. But we need another pane.

Here we go again, round and around. I already pointed you at the PlotSymbolTrades example.
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No loops, Eugene.
AnnotateChart works, but i would prefere AnnotateBar. It makes better offset.
When i use High[bar] or Low[bar] AnnotateChart draws too close.
Is there possibility to draw in some pixels displacement?

As for PlotSymbolTrades - i dont know why, it works, i would say strange style.
Triangles are too far from bars.
Anyway thanks. I developed better methods.
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Alexey, we're talking about workarounds here. Question is rhetorical, but would I be suggesting workarounds if there was a direct way to do something? As you can see in the QuickRef, AnnotateBar is bound to work with PricePane.
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