How to display buy/sell triangular symbols
Author: flroots
Creation Date: 7/4/2014 5:33 PM
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This may be a stupid question, but how do you display buy and sell triangles on the price panel like I found on the 3x2 System strategy in the Chart Patterns folder? It doesn't seem to be configured in the strategy code and I couldn't find any chart setting either.
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You're confusing something. Every strategy displays them. Although I don't know any, some may hide them using EnableTradeNotes(). Some may display them on secondary symbols artificially using code: FAQ > Is there a way to see the trades on secondary symbols?
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Thanks. I was confusing something. I display the primary symbol in the chart, but I'm actually trading two secondary symbols. That explains it.
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In that case, if you have the Community.Components add-in installed, you can plot the trades for secondary symbols by adding this statement at the end of your script - one statement for each symbol. Pass the string for your symbols in place of "IBM".

Please log in to see this code.

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Thanks. How do you install the Community.Components add-in. I checked the WiKi example, but so far haven't figured it out. Also, it's not listed under Tools/Extension Manager/Addins.
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Community Components is available for download to verified customers, so please create a support ticket for further instructions.
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Extension download capability has been enabled for my account. I've opened the Extension Manager, but can't find any sign of the Community.Components add-in?
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The EM displays only already installed extensions. All extensions are to be found on our website. Notice the "Extensions" link on the Home Page that leads here:

Extension Finder

In particular, this is what you're looking for:

Community Components library
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