How to display Fundamental data from a script
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 4/25/2012 1:19 PM
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I create a new FundamentalProvider which contains four types : Dividends, Earnings, Splits and Webcasts.

I use this script to try display the saved data :

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When i set string item = "Dividends" a get the results in a new DebugLog. I get the results from this method :
Please log in to see this code.

But a don't get any results from other types. The call of RequestedItems() method will never be reached.
How to display other types?

Thanks for help.
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Chart the four items. Will all of them display, or only Dividends? The latter may indicate that they haven't been downloaded and/or are not being properly retrieved. Double check that the item names are unique and the provider has no trouble "finding" them.

It's hardly possible to tell what you did wrong in an unseen code, but chances are you'll find the misbehaving method if you set more breakpoints in your projects.
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I can only display Dividends in the chart. All the names are correct.

The call of the method only work when i select Dividends, in other cases Wealth Lab don't call this method :
public override IList<FundamentalItem> RequestItems(string symbol, string itemName)
var items = _dataStore.RequestSymbolItems(symbol, itemName);
return items;

When i check saved data, i can access to all the types with Visual Studio debugger, here an example of code :
_dataStore.RequestSymbolItems(symbol, "Webcasts")

All informations are properly saved.
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OK, but how am I supposed to help you? It's not a Wealth-Lab fault, there's an error in your provider that we can't remotely diagnose.

If your solution was derived from MS123 Extra Fundamental/News Providers*, compare the functioning code with your project to find the difference which ultimately led to what you're experiencing.

*Although right now, analyst rating downloads are broken due to a data feed change - to be fixed by upcoming update.
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