How do I make WL treat symbol as Futures?
Author: kbellare
Creation Date: 4/29/2013 5:57 PM
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I'm using 1 contract (Raw Profit) mode of position sizing, when backtesting futures data (continuous daily data from TradingBlox).

My trade performance shows only +/- $10-20 per trade: it should be in the 100's or 1000's because of the leverage of futures on the index change - e.g. Corn profits are 50x the gains of the index.

How do i get the backtesting simulator to multiply the performance with the "big point value" of the futures symbol, so it accurately simulates the performance?

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See "Symbol Info Manager" under the Tools menu. Also, check out the User Guide > Reference > Symbol Info Manager for more guidance.

P.S. Next time, please pick a more suitable forum for posting questions that are purely technical. This forum ("Trading Strategies") centers around discussing trading strategy rules, logic, algorithms and their concrete implementation, whereas your question is a perfect candidate for any of these forums: "Wealth-Lab Developer/Pro", "General" or "Wealth-Lab 101". Thanks.
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