How do I get more than about four years of data?
Author: bknoth
Creation Date: 8/10/2014 12:16 AM
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I'd like to download ten or more years of daily price data. I've tried the BB, Yahoo, and Google providers (MSN too, but I get "no data" errors). No matter what I do, I only get data starting on 8/10/2010 (and I even created a fresh data directory with no data sets in it). I must be missing something.

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The providers download as much historical data as possible (only BBFree is limited to up to 1500 bars, to the other 3 it doesn't apply). Your chart range, however, is affected by the settings. To see the entire available history, switch the data range picker to "All Data" as described in the Wealth-Lab User Guide > Reference > Data Panel > Data Range Control.
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