Home tool: Security certificate alert
Author: richard1000
Creation Date: 4/28/2014 9:53 AM
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Windows 8, Wealth-Lab Pro 6.6

When I open the WL with WL Home in default workspace, I get a security alert: "The name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site. Do you want to proceed?" The options there after are "Yes", "No", or "View Certificate".

If I start the WL without Home in default workspace, I get no such alert. What changed?
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Apparently, your PC clock. It is set incorrect (or even your CMOS battery may be dying).

This message appears when there's an issue with a website's SSL certificate. The Home Page tool accesses our server to display the news block. However, our website's certificate is perfectly valid as verified by Symantec/Verisign so that this is a misconfiguration on your end.
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I can't figure out what the problem is. I reset the web browser (Internet Explorer) to default and the problem persists. I am using opendns.com as domain name server.

I don't think PC clock or battery is the problems since my other PC is having the same problem.

Anyway it's not a show stopper. I am guessing domain name server is not properly seeing the wealth-lab site as being secure. I will try other dns servers if I have time.
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Could be a DNS problem, even malware. Try to fall back to your ISP's DNS server. By the way, does "View certificate" let you save an exception and always load the site w/o a warning message?
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Going back to the ISP's DNS server solves the problem.

By the way, does "View certificate" let you save an exception and always load the site w/o a warning message?

Short answer is no. "View Certificate" has an option (by a Certificate Wizard) to automatically redownload the certificate in question, which in this case is certificate from opendns. But this doesn't solve anything since DNS server itself is giving out wrong domain security, not the certificate.
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