Getting wrong fundamental data?
Author: Sabawi
Creation Date: 10/21/2011 1:38 PM
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I am getting wrong fundamental data from Fidelity. Below is just one example, but it is pervasive across the board when I compare the data to those on Fidelity website none of the fundamental data match up.

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I tried that with many fundamental data from Fidelity like PE ratio, Market Cap etc and they are all Wrong!!

What am I doing wrong here?
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That script makes no sense.

The first thing to do is to make that you're downloading fundamental data with your data updates. If you're sure that's okay, then on to the next step.

Next, the easy way to plot indicators (technical and fundamental) is to open the indicator dialogs and drag and drop them on to a chart. Then, if you want to manipulate the code, click the far right button in the toolbar to "push" the code into the Editor window.

Alternatively, use the Strategy Builder to create a condition that uses fundamental data.

One thing's for sure: you can't guess when writing code, because you'll [almost] always get exactly what you ask for :)
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I am not sure I understand your comment on the script, I am simply looping through the bars and checking the value in the Series for changes in the "outstanding shares" indicator. I have "On Demand Data Updates" turned on so the value I should be getting when accessing the common_shares_outstanding[bar] should correspond to the Date[bar] of the daily bar!! Why the code snippet above does not work?
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BTW the code snippet above came from a generated code exactly as you described. I just replaced the inside of the for loop to printdebug the data I am getting so I can compare it.
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Besides assigning the same Bars.Symbol to symbol over and over again in a loop, I can't see where you declared the DataSeries common_shares_outstanding. So there's no way for anyone to tell you if you're doing it right - not enough information.

However, even if you're doing it correctly and the values returned are always zero, then the data are probably not there.

Also, why don't you just drag and drop the fundamental indicator and check that aspect of it?

Looks like we posted at the same time. If you dragged and dropped and the results are all zero, then you don't have the data. You have to do a Fundamental Provider update using the Data Manager.
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Yep -- I figured that auto update may not be working as I expected. I will let the manual update run and let you know. Thanks for your help
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So to follow up on this, I managed to fix my Fidelity data problem through manual update. I was under the assumption that fundamental data is included in the "On Demand Data Updates - Automatically update data for symbols on-demand when they are charted or accessed". It turned out that it was not the case (at least in my case) so I was getting either Zeros or outdated data.

Anyway, it seems to be working now.

Thanks a lot

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Before accessing any fundamental series with no data previously downloaded, one needs to update the associated fundamental provider's data. On demand data updates simply do not exist in the fundamental provider API. It's a static data provider thing.
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