Fundamental Data Points (insider buys, sells, and splits) will not update
Author: Poppybeach
Creation Date: 1/25/2011 12:50 PM
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Have new Windows 7 (64 Bit) computer.

Have used your product for past few years and never a problem until now. Reps at 800-823-0175 have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times to no avail. Here's the problem...Fundamental Data Points (insider buys, sells, and splits) once programmed under preferences will not update via Data Manager get message "failed try again later"

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will not update via Data Manager get message "failed try again later"

Could you post the exact message text here? If it's the first time you hit the issue, chances are that might be a temporary issue with Fidelity data server. However, without the complete error message it's just guesswork.

Also please provide a more detailed description of what are you doing and what's going on, step by step.
Reps at 800-823-0175 have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times to no avail.

I'd suggest calling them once again and kindly advising to take a look at the very bottom of this FAQ, online for 2 years. ;)

I have a problem. Tried to reinstall Wealth-Lab, but it didn't help!
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Error Message Reads: "Request failed, please try again later." I have received this message
continually over the past few days. I'm able to download pricing data but no fundamental else.
On the uninstall Fidelity did have me remove data files, strategy file etc. prior to and confirmed post
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I take the following steps.... File, Preferenced, chart annotations, fundamental data points,
individually select and move over to right han column splits, insider buys, and insider sells.
Then click ok. Did I miss something?
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1 - That's better, but still not clear. Could you copy and paste a few lines of this error from the Data Manager log in their entirety? tia.

2 - No you're not missing anything. It was unclear because these steps are not required to download the fundamental data. Just for chart annotations.
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Updating Provider Fidelity Investments ...
Updating Daily data ...

Provider update complete for Fidelity Investments

Updating Provider Fidelity Analyst Ratings Data for Securities ...
Request failed. Retrying each symbol.
AA Request failed, please try again later.
AAPL Request failed, please try again later.
ABT Request failed, please try again later.
ADBE Request failed, please try again later.
ADP Request failed, please try again later.
ADSK Request failed, please try again later.
AEP Request failed, please try again later.
AES Request failed, please try again later.
ALL Request failed, please try again later.
ALTR Request failed, please try again later.
ALU Request failed, please try again later.
AMAT Request failed, please try again later.
AMCC Request failed, please try again later.
AMGN Request failed, please try again later.
AMTD Request failed, please try again later.
AMZN Request failed, please try again later.
APOL Request failed, please try again later.
ATML Request failed, please try again later.
ATVI Request failed, please try again later.
AVP Request failed, please try again later.
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I'm not sure how you could have avoided it at this stage, but can you verify that you've upgraded to WLP 6.1, please?

If so, please create a support ticket and we'll set up to get a data log of what's happening.
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I am using Eugene's insider sell strategy and have run on S&P 500 with the lowest threshold on all data and I get no trades.

When I click on a stock and view a chart there is no evidence of insider sales ie. the chart of insider sales is flat at zero.

Am I doing something wrong? I am updating data on demand.

Thank you.
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Perform an "Update All Data" with the checkbox for respective Fidelity insider data provider enabled.
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Thanks Eugene.

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Read and article the other day about the CEO of LULU selling under questionable circumstances. I ran my insider selling strategy for LULU and no sells for June show up. I have looked on insidercow and another site and sells for LULU ocurred. Somethinng wrong w/ FWL data for sells and buys?

How do I choose insider cow as the source?


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As shown on screenshot, June'13 was nothing short of insider transactions (this is InsiderCow provider):

Are you using Fidelity as the fundamental data source and nothing came up? In this case you might want to call Fidelity support about the potential data issue. We're 3rd party site that supports Wealth-Lab products and can't help with Fidelity login, order and data problems.

To choose InsiderCow you need to install the MS123 Extra Fundamental/News provider extension, restart WLP, and use it like illustrated in its online guide.

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Thanks Eugene.

Yes.. I am using FIDO funnymental data!

I will shoot an email over to them.

The insidercow data is fine.


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