Find Stock Splits
Author: mgrech004
Creation Date: 6/13/2011 10:49 AM
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Hello there.

I am looking for a script that scans a list of stocks going back 5 years and issues a message if any of the stocks in the list had a split at some point in the past 5 years. Any help would be appreciated.


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Try this example. Run in multi-symbol backtest mode to get the output for a DataSet:
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Thanks Eugene. If I want to go back 10 years, do I change the 5d to 10d?
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Sure. Make sure the data loading control is configured to load All Data.

As a DIY excercise, you can make the choice interactive through Straps (Strategy Parameters). See the Programming Guide > Programming Trading Strategies > Strategy Parameters.
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Hi Eugene,

I did this and it works well. I realized however that this script only shows me the last stock split. How do i modify it so that is shows me all the splits for a particular stock?

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See FundamentalDataItems in the QuickRef for an example of looping thru a FundamentalItem collection.
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Thanks, this does it.
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I used to apply Eugene's code above once in a while, but it does not seem to work anymore. Is there a possibility to fix that ?
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Hello Patrick,
The code still works, of course. You just need to fine-tune it because the naming of items is individual across fundamental providers. Notice this:

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Uncomment the one you're planning to use, and comment the Fidelity item.
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Hello Eugene

Thx for the quick response.

When I try either Yahoo or MSN, I got no results at all (the debug window shows nothing) for e.g. S&P 500/400/600 stocks.
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The MSN provider's version must the latest (2013.06) to work properly. Previous versions will not work at all:
Fix: due to past MSN website redesign, dividends/splits stopped downloading

With both providers, make sure that the data loading depth is adequate (try it with "All Data").
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I had all settings as you suggested already. It does not seem to work...

Just to make sure, I do not have to use Datsets with Yahoo or MSN as a price source as a pre-condition, right ? (Because I use BB- and iqFeed as a source for my datasets, but the tickers are naturally identical)
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Because I use BB- and iqFeed as a source for my datasets

And it was a key omission that you're using a different data provider:

Just to make sure, I do not have to use Datsets with Yahoo or MSN as a price source as a pre-condition, right ?

Only partially right. Until you update the MSN/Yahoo DataSets, the MSN/Yahoo fundamental data will not be available. Only when you update a MSN/Y DataSet, the built-in fundamental providers have a chance to download the split/dividend items for included symbols. Afterwards, any data feed can be used provided that the tickers are naturally identical.
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and it was a key omission that you're using a different data provider:

yep, sorry about that. I had the opinion that it had worked with this setup in the past, but maybe I remembered wrong.

Only partially right. Until you update the MSN/Yahoo DataSets, the MSN/Yahoo fundamental data will not be available. Only when you update a MSN/Y DataSet, the built-in fundamental providers have a chance to download the split/dividend items for included symbols. Afterwards, any data feed can be used provided that the tickers are naturally identical.

Great, now it works again.

Many thanks
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