EquiCandle and EquiVolume ChartStyle modification request
Author: richard1000
Creation Date: 3/19/2015 6:42 PM
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Two request.

1. The Chart Style for EquiCandle and EquiVolume are plotted with no space. Just a little spacing between the bars would make it easy on the eyes. Also, just like the regular candlestick charts, adding a solid bar to down close (relative to open) would be appreciated.

2. Regular candlestick charts show ghost bar (Bars.Count bar). The extra chart styles (EquiCandle, EquiVolume, Heiken Ashi etc) do not. It's understandable since ghost are not completed bars. Nevertheless, it would add more information to place a regular candlestick ghost bar at the end to these extra styles.

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2. Re: Heikin Ashi (the rest is up to Cone). No objections. I'll add regular candlestick ghost bar to Heikin Ashi in upcoming release of the library.
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