EPS not shown in Chart of ADM or other stocks
Author: Cuculann
Creation Date: 9/16/2014 12:36 AM
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Hello Eugene or whomever else replies,

I am using WLP 6.9.19 64 bit under Win 7 ultimate x64 with 32gb RAM.

I clicked on "F" on the charting tool bar and selected EPS (earning per share) and dragged it to my chart of ADM. Nothing appears but a blank window which makes no sense to me since the Fidelity tutorial showed it appearing, I am quite experienced with PC's having begun in 1978 and having also done a quite a bit of programming years ago. Do you have any suggestions/ideas as to why this is not working? I am able to show indicators in separate windows on the chart.

I also dragged and dropped Net Income from the "F" Fundamental data selectables and that too did not display any data. I updated
One others item re: charts. How does one delete a window on a chart-- e.g. the blank EPS window cited above?

Thanking you in advance,
/* Philip */
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I clicked on "F" on the charting tool bar and selected EPS (earning per share) and dragged it to my chart of ADM. Nothing appears but a blank window

Fundamental data has to be updated before using it in charting and/or backtesting, and to do that, activate desired fundamental provider(s) in the "Fundamental Data Providers" list on the bottom of Data Manager's "Update Data" tab.

I'm at a loss why this question isn't in the FAQ but have just resolved it.

How does one delete a window on a chart-- e.g. the blank EPS window cited above?

1. Just like with plotted indicators. Right click on the fundamental item plot and Delete. It's pretty obvious when it's displayed but in your case, move the mouse towards the red 0.0 on the Y axis.
2. Or simply "Clear drag and drop indicators" button on the Function toolbar.
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I appreciate your prompt reply, Eugene and used the "Clear Drag & Drop Indicators" eraser symbol to remove the 2 useless windows I had created. Btw moving my trackball toward the 0.0000 area did not bring up choice to delete the empty window but that's ok as I was able to accomplish what I needed to do.

Unfortunately even though the data, from the following sources:

Fidelity Economic Indicator Data
Fidelity Estimated Earnings Data for Securities
Fidelity Fundamental Data for Securities
Yahoo Finance
I have 3 accounts at Fidelity and am a regular logged in user of Yahoo Finance et al.

was downloaded completely and the empty window removed from the ADM chart, dragging and dropping the EPS Fundamental still does not result in a window with data displaying EPS. Nor does dragging and dropping the Net Income fundamental or Interest Expense for ADM result in windows with any data. It seems to me that somewhere something is incorrectly configured here but I have gone through everything and cannot find the cause of this problem.

I will be happy to pursue any avenue you suggest and thanks for all your help.
/* Philip */
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After having updated the data:

1. Have you reopened the ADM chart?
2. Have you tried other symbols?
3. According to the last update log, how many fundamental items have been collected?

P.S. Please keep from making the whole text of your replies bold, thanks.
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Thanks, Eugene. It finally is working properly. Apparently the existing ADM chart did not reflect the data subsequently downloaded. I closed that chart and opened a new chart for CLMT and was able to create 3 fundamental windows displaying data: Interest Expense, EPS, and Net Income.

So basically it's a software problem wherein it should allow an existing chart to import recently downloaded data rather than marking the chart as not capable of receiving data or however it is written. Not a major tragedy but it did take a lot of your time and mine to figure out lol.

Again, thanks Eugene for all your help and dedication,

/* Philip */
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You're right, this is a minor issue. We can live with that.
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