DrawText coordinates
Author: Ray60
Creation Date: 9/4/2012 10:02 AM
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Please take a look at the DrawText command. It appears that the coordinates for the pixels are measured from the upper left hand of the Strategy Window and not the Chart Pane.

The following code should illustrate this. The text is written on the correct pane but the pixels are not measured from the upper left corner of each pane. DrawText works great for the top pane of a Strategy Window but not for the lower panes.

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Yes Roy, it's known.

Most likely, when working with GDI+, it's hard to determine a pane's upper left corner. I take it as the upper pane's left corner reference is 0, thereby the coordinates for the pixels are measured from the upper left corner rather than the particular ChartPane.

We all will have to live with it though - there's always a more important task than that.
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