Displaying fundamental data on PricePane
Author: jasonforish
Creation Date: 1/27/2012 12:52 PM
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Well i'm a newb. I'm trying to do something easy like capture outstanding shares and stock price multiply them together (market cap) and output the string to the Chartpane. I'm using WLP 6.2. is my string close?

DrawText( PricePane, "Market Cap= " + (Close * FundamentalDataSeries("common shares outstanding")), 200, 50, Color.Black, Color.Empty );
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Almost right:
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You might want to take a look at the WealthScript Programming Guide (Help menu) > DataSeries > Accessing a Single Value from a DataSeries.
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Remember, if you want 1 value, you have to specify the bar.. not the entire series, which is something you would plot.

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you guys are the bomb! have an awesome weekend!
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