Decompile rule-based strategy?
Author: allanpeace
Creation Date: 12/3/2014 4:48 PM
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I am using 6.8 Fidelity. I have opened some strategies that I like, however would want to make adjustments to. Is there a way to "de-compile" the script so that I could use the strategy Builder function?
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See Wealth-Lab User Guide > Strategy Window > Strategy Builder > Open Code in new Strategy Window.
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I think the problem is that these are already Code Based Strategies. The only tab available is Editor. It shows lines of code. I want to modify the code so that the strategy performs differently. Am I stuck having to learn the code language or is there a way to convert it back to Rule Based?
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Also, the Use Guide, under Strategy Builder, section 5. Shows an icon to OPEN CODE in new strategy window. This Icon does not appear on any of my screens.
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There is no way to convert code-based Strategies into rule-based. Of course modifying them requires knowledge of C# programming language. This might be a starting point:

How do I start with C# ?
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