DataSeries Description is changed on ChartPane
Author: Shourui
Creation Date: 10/8/2010 12:57 AM
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I declared EuiqtyLine DataSeries's name as "Equity Line", but if I do some operation on the DataSeries in the code as below, the description of EquityLine will be shown as "Equity Line+1000000/1000000*100" on the ChartPane. How can I still get the original description on the ChartPane? Thanks.


DataSeries EquityLine = new DataSeries(Bars,"Equity Line");
ChartPane equitypane = CreatePane(80, true, true);
EquityLine = (EquityLine +StartingCapital)/StartingCapital*100;
PlotSeries(equitypane ,EquityLine , Color.Blue, LineStyle.Solid,2);
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By explicitly assigning the "Equity Line" string to the DataSeries.Description property of EquityLine. Check out the QuickRef for more details.
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