Data Updating: Different PCs Have Different Ending Dates
Author: sedelstein
Creation Date: 11/18/2013 7:05 PM
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Just bought a laptop and installed WL

I'm aware that it's possible to update the data after the close but isn't "verified" correct until the morning


It is 7pm Monday Nov 18 and I just updated the day's data on my desktop 11/18

The newly installed WL on the laptop will only update as of the Friday 11/15

I'm trying to understand why as (I believe) the same options are checked on both machines

Thanks for your help

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Hi Steve,

If you're talking about Yahoo! data, then the option "Always return data with partial bar" - if checked on the desktop (unchecked by default) - might behave like this.

But if you mean Fidelity data, it's likely that both machines are hitting different servers in Fidelity's server farm. That could happen, for example, if they're connected to different ISPs or by some logic at Fidelity's end.
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It is Fidelity data, so apart from retrying multiple times to see if I hit a different server, I guess I'm out of luck.

Thanks Eugene

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Is there anyway to alter which server gets hit at Fidelity or is each installation locked into a particular server?


Just logged in and that seemed to do the trick but I didnt need to do it on my old installation. Go figure.
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Just logged in and that seemed to do the trick but I didnt need to do it on my old installation. Go figure.

So like I said, there apparently is some logic at Fidelity's end, and it turned out dependent on being logged in.
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