Data Missing From Graphs?
Author: ronc
Creation Date: 5/3/2013 8:59 PM
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I ran an exhaustive multi-symbol optimization, varying 3 parameters. Metric was Net Profit. In the Results table, Net Profit varies from -7,890 to 2,677. However, in the 1-Parameter and 2-Parameter Graphs, when I plot any of the independent variables against Net Profit, not all of the values are shown. The graph axes run from about -6,500 to a maximum of zero, so neither the most negative Net Profit values, or any of the positive Net Profit values are shown in the graphs. How do I show them?

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Sounds like this minor cosmetic issue (deferred):

(76499) Exhaustive optimization (2 Parameter Graph) may be unable to plot all values when step is relatively tight compared to the range.
A cosmetic/display issue which does not affect the accuracy.
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I think it is a different issue.To clarify, the problem I observed was not that I could not see all of the data points inside the graph (i.e. it's not a resolution problem) but rather that the graph is truncated, so I cannot see the range of data. My dependent variable is Net Profit. Net Profit reached 2700 in the Results table. But the in the graphs stopped at a maximum Net Profit value of zero, i.e. it only displayed negative values for Net Profit. So the graphs could be used at all to select good values for the independent variables.
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Unless you magnified the graph and didn't zoom out by pressing the left button and dragging in the opposite direction, your description still sounds precisely like the inability to plot all values.

If it occurs after reopening the Strategy window and running a new optimization, could you copy/paste the parameter definitions (from the Strategy's constructor part) here and attach a screenshot?
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