Creating Composite Symbol
Author: gbullr
Creation Date: 2/9/2015 11:44 AM
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Help please.

I have a position that used to have the ticker RFMD. The Co. merged w/ another Co. and now trades under a new symbol.

How to I create a composite symbol?

Thank you.

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Like I already suggested to you in a past discussion:

Append data to BBFree?
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It depends on what you want to do with your data. I suggest you just download the data for QRVO. If you want to keep your data for RFMD, you could go into your static and fundamental Data folders, rename RFMD as QRVO and the move the files from the R subdirectories to the Q subdirectories. I might do this if the company had simply changed it's symbol, but I'm not sure what value your data is going to be when two substantial companies have merged.
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RFMD = QRVO / 4 after a certain date.

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RFMD = QRVO / 4 after a certain date.

Right click on chart > "Process a stock split".
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