Author: Rebelion
Creation Date: 4/6/2013 3:04 PM
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Hello, guys.

I have a question about CreateParameter method. What's the method of dynamic limit values setting through the CreateParameter? Is it possible to update values of variables in the visual part (left bottom corner) if I change StrategyParameter variable through Start and Stop properties?

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Please clarify what are you trying to achieve by that.

P.S. And just to be on the safe side: you're not dragging the sliders in Multi-Symbol mode, don't you? This will not execute the Strategy (by design).
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For example, I need to optimize my strategy using different size of renko candles. But I don't know at first the instrument I will use for this. It may costs for 100$ or 1$. I wanna write uniform strategy (using MSVS) which self adapting to the current price (for example, getting price step through max and min prices on the time horizont). How it possible to do? I know I can change StrategyParameter properties in my code, but I don't know how to renew data which visualised in the left bottom corner...
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I still don't see absolutely any connection to manipulating the bottom left corner and executing or optimizing your strategy using standard means.
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Okay, let's divide this question for 2.

1) Is it any way to create dynamic strategy parameter different than the method of changing Start, Stop and Step properties of StrategyParameter object? Will the strategy recalculate the count of steps it will need to pass with new parameters?

2) When I open a strategy with the same parameters, I get left bottom corner window with these parameters placed on the default values. Is it possible to change them through the code? Cause when I optimized strategy and double click on the row with parameters I need, I have no reaction in this window (but if I not recreate StrategyParameter objects, It works well). What should I do for a) changing the default value visualized in this windows, b) changing values on the optimized values I've got earlier by optmization?


Sorry for my bad English. :(
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Sorry, guys, I'm the dumb. Now it works good.
Pls, tell me, what's the method "Reset()" in the StrategyParameter class need for?
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Dmitry, what did you do to alleviate the problem (which appears cryptic)?

What's the need to call the undocumented StrategyParameter.Reset method?
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