Copy Price Data to Clipboard through Editor
Author: Christos
Creation Date: 9/13/2011 4:13 AM
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Is there any way to perform the "Copy Price Data to Clipboard" function through the code editor? I would like to export everything shown on the chart tab for a dataset.
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Hmm, have Forum Search and Wiki search became inoperative? ;)

Copy to Clipboard from Community Components
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Probably I have not expressed my question in the most proper way because I believe that the links posted are not of significant help to my problem. The problem for me is not the "copy to clipboard" process but how I could copy to clipboard every DataSeries plotted in the tab "Chart" either by making use of the interactive "Plot an indicator on the Chart.." or by creating a plot through the code editor.
It seems to me that what I am essentially looking for is a "for each DataSeries ploted in the chart" loop.

The purpose is to export at once everything plotted without having to change the code every time I modify the dataseries included in the chart.
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It seems to me that what I am essentially looking for is a "for each DataSeries ploted in the chart" loop.

DataSeries can be obtained from Bars.Cache. Here's the idea:
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This examplle should be more illustrative:
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