Chart Feature Request - Scroll Pole
Author: marcal
Creation Date: 11/24/2014 7:50 PM
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Scroll Pole???
Ok, so I just made that up.
I would like to be able to click on a chart space and have it draw a thin vertical line through the bars on all visible panes. The data for that bar would then be shown in a small annotate window along the top edge of the pane. The same info as is shown in the popup balloon but the info would persist after the mouse pointer moved.
I could then use the mouse to click a new place on the chart and the line jumps to a new bar, or use the left-right arrow keys to scroll the line to a new bar.
I find this especially useful when you want to see the bar data on a pane that is only a line graph and see the data that's aligned with the main price pane bar.
Currently if you have several extra panes you have to shift the mouse around until you find just the right spot for the balloon to come up.
Yes, you can manually draw a vertical line on a chart, but it doesn't scroll and the data on that bar isn't annotated.
I've seen this in other software packages and didn't realize how much I relied on it until I switched to WLP.
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The data for that bar would then be shown in a small annotate window along the top edge of the pane. The same info as is shown in the popup balloon but the info would persist after the mouse pointer moved.

Such window exists, it's called the Data Window and can be invoked from the Function toolbar (it's next to the yellow circle with 'S' in it).
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