Cannot implicitly convert type Error
Author: MikeyRules
Creation Date: 9/16/2013 9:02 PM
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I am attempting to use ATRP and PercRank at the daily level as filters for an intraday trading strategy. When I compile, I get "Cannot implicitly convert type "WealthLab.DataSeries to "WealthLab.Indicators.ATRP". An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)" and "Cannot implicitly convert type "WealthLab.DataSeries to "Community.Indicators.PercentRank". An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)"

When I try something similar with a standard Dataseries and comment out the offenders, it compiles fine.

Is it possible to do this or am I missing something? Thanks!

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Both should be defined as DataSeries for the code to compile:
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Thanks Eugene!
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