Candlestick Range (High/Low) filter
Author: traindl
Creation Date: 6/13/2012 2:12 AM
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i just wanted to create buy order when the following happens
close price cum down 3 days and on 4. day (signalday) the Range of the bar(High minus Low) should be at least 10% smaller then ATR (10days), if both criteria are true then buy at market on next day.

i would like to create this in code directly without using wizard.
the first thing price cum down 3 days is not the problem but how can i code the rest ?

can somebody help me please !?

thanks thomas
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Here you go Thomas:
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close price cum down 3 days and on 4. day (signalday) the Range of the bar(High minus Low) should be
It's a little confusing. Do you mean...

1. Buy two positions? - one after 3 days down and another after 4 days down?

2. Or, buy at market on the 4th day after 3 days down, but only if the H - L is less than 90% of the ATR? (That would actually be a peeking condition.)

Or something else?
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hi Eugene and Cone,

also for me it is a little bit confusing...

i meant step 2 only buy one position !

so buy at market on the 5th day after 3 days down but only if the "High minus Low" on the 4th day is less then 90% of the ATR .

thats what i want... so EUgene can i really use the code you mentioned for this?

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okay thanks will try this code
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