Can a signal bar and entry bar be the same?
Author: flute29
Creation Date: 11/20/2014 1:08 PM
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I have been learning about wealth lab and trading for few days now. I have used some general strategies from wealth lab for testing on paper account. I am now delving a little deeper and am still in early stages of learning programming and more reading to do.

But in the meantime I have a few questions and am hoping some one can guide or provide examples of how following things may work.

1. Can a signal bar and entry bar be the same?
Eg: Let's say am looking at daily charts for a group of stocks (Dow30). I want to enter on the day when Opening price crosses SMA20 rather than wait till the EOD or next day to place the trade.

2. Also if I want to hold a stock for x days (lets says 3) and then sell it at end of day, how do I do it? I may have missed but I don't see anything like that in rules section?

3. If I set a stop loss on a strategy (assuming the strategy is trading based on daily charts), does that stop loss is active during day or will it become activated when the daily data is processed at the end of the day?

I appreciate your help and thanks in advance,

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1. Can a signal bar and entry bar be the same?

Yes - in code-based Strategies. For a code example, please see GetSessionOpen Property in the QuickRef. Rule-based Strategies can also be modified manually.

2. Also if I want to hold a stock for x days (lets says 3) and then sell it at end of day, how do I do it? I may have missed but I don't see anything like that in rules section?

Of course there is. Conditions > Position-Based > "Current open position is older than a number of bars".

3. If I set a stop loss on a strategy (assuming the strategy is trading based on daily charts), does that stop loss is active during day or will it become activated when the daily data is processed at the end of the day?

At the end of the day. Quoting from this FAQ:

Here's how the process is in Wealth-Lab:

A complete bar updates (can be 1-minute, 1-day, etc.)
Your strategy executes over all the bars in the chart and determines if it wants to trade on the next bar.
If it doesn't, you don't do anything.
If it does, you place orders for the next bar and they're worked by your broker. (Process complete).
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Thank you much Eugene.
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