Can WL order and list a data set based on some criteria?
Author: mikesblack
Creation Date: 12/2/2011 1:01 PM
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e.g. List Russell 1000 by market cap?
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Wealth-Lab can do whatever you program it to do.

1. In a loop over the DataSetSymbols (see QuickRef), calculate the MarketCap of the current symbol
2. Instantiate an object that has a string and double fields, and Add it to a generic List<>.
3. Sort the List
4. Output the results somewhere.
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For a related example, look up SetContext in the QuickRef.
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Thank you. Where in the Wealth Lab GUI would I output this list, or would I use excel or Word files for this purpose?
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You can use anything. Debug window, or output to anywhere you want.
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