Buy/sell 50% of position on certain condition?
Author: bloodman
Creation Date: 10/13/2011 2:11 PM
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Hello, I'm new in this forum and with the wealth-lab.
I have some questions to create my system:
1- Is it possible sell 50% of position in certain conditions, and the other half for other conditions ? How ?
2- Is it possible buy 50% of position (for example) when price touch on moving avarange 9 periods, and other 50% when RSI<30 ? How I can write this code strategy ?

Thanks for attention
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Don't hesitate to start your free 30-day trial of Wealth-Lab Developer 6.2.

I have some questions to create my system:
1- Is it possible sell 50% of position in certain conditions, and the other half for other conditions ? How ?
2- Is it possible buy 50% of position (for example) when price touch on moving avarange 9 periods, and other 50% when RSI<30 ? How I can write this code strategy ?

1 - Yes it's possible.
2 - Ditto.

However, the "how" part doesn't make practical sense since you haven't taken a free trial of WLD yet.
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Thanks for attention.
I will study the language of the wealth lab to learn this...

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