Buttons "Monitor" and "Optimize" are gone
Author: Defendi
Creation Date: 12/8/2012 11:16 AM
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Please, my buttons "Monitor" and "Optimize" are gone! Is there an on / off?
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Yes, that button disappeared "Optimize" .... I can no longer find it. Did I inadvertently "hung up" on some preference?
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Hmm, I can post a link with the solution but I can not make users click it, or scroll down to find the answer. Doh! :)

Please click the FAQ link above, and then you will see a screenshot illustrating how to get that button back.

What can be easier?
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Sorry, my English is so bad, that I had not understood that the answer was already on that link actually did not realize it was a link! Ok ... grateful ... the problem was in "Show status bar on chart" .... thank you
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