Batch 'Update Chart History' of Index-Lab DataSets
Author: Ben_Zurich
Creation Date: 9/16/2013 10:54 AM
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We have about 50 data sets created by Index-Lab that are used as external symbols in our strategies.

As we are batch processing our strategies every morning after having updated the data, I wonder if it is possible to batch update all the Index-Lab data sets listed by Index Manager.

Or any other solution to that problem.
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Were you aware...

On the "Update Data" tab of "Data Manager", one of my "Historical Data Managers" is "Custom Indexes". If I check it and run Data Manager, it updates my (lone) index.

Hope this helps.

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Hi Len,

thank you very much. I'd like to try this, and have questions associated with it:

(1) What do you mean by "run Data Manager" ? Just open the Data Manager or open the Data Manager and press 'Update all data for selected Providers now' at the bottom?

(2) On the right side of 'Update Data', there is a scheduler for automated Data Updates. Assume that I have scheduled it. In order to be executed at the specified time, is it necessary that
(a) WL6 is open?
(b) Data Manager is Open?
(c) Update data knob is pressed?

(3) The title of this thread should read "'Batch 'Update Chart History' of Index-Lab Symbols (not DataSets)". An IndexLab symbol is the result of an indicator applied on a series of tickers collected in a DataSet. I'm still not sure whether the indexLab Symbols can be updated automatically. When I pressed 'Update all data for selected Providers now', the log shows:

Updating Provider Custom Indexes ...
Updating INDEX MANAGER data ...

It says 'Symbols already up to date' but this is not true. In fact nothing has been updated at all.

Eugene or Cone, can you clarify what conditions must be met to make an automatic update of symbols created by indexLab?
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2. Not sure if the DM window should be left open, but for scheduled data updates WL6 surely must be running and the respective option in the DM must be activated.

3. (Naming doesn't matter but whatever you call it, only entire Index-Lab DataSets can be updated and not some individual "Index-Lab symbols".)

Your update log clearly suggests that there's nothing to update, and I tend to believe it. I guess that the data provider behind your IL DataSets does not support on demand data update - like ASCII or Metastock? Because for typical providers that support on demand updates it does work properly.

P.S. DataSets can be updated periodically by running a dummy strategy on them using Strategy Monitor, or with a programmatic workaround like this or that, but unfortunately, it doesn't apply to ASCII/MS-based DataSets incapable of on demand updates.
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Thank you for your answer.

We use Bloomberg Static (EOD) data and I believe that it doesn't support on demand updates. This would explain the behaviour.
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Yes, this provider doesn't support on demand updates, too.
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