Auto-login to WLP?
Author: airation1
Creation Date: 7/23/2015 5:07 PM
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Hi everybody. I'm a newbie. I was drawn to Wealth Lab Pro (WLP) because I could approximate my trading strategy and (I thought anyway) have it automated. But, I've run into a little kink where the program logs me out every evening. My strategy has a component that is Buy at next bar open, so if I have to be away and cannot log in, I am just out of luck for the day(s).

Would appreciate your help with this. I'm sure you long-timers have all been through this and have written a quick piece of code to automate the login.

I'm planning to learn at least some C# programming, so I can help myself more. But, I'm at the infancy stage with that.

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You could try to record a macro with AutoIT, for example.
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airation1 asked elsewhere:

Does anyone know what time Wealth-Lab does it's automatic log-out on your account each day? I can't code yet to develop an auto-login, so I need to know what time to log back in each day for a while. Was logged out about 10:00 last night and I logged back in. This morning I find I'm logged out again, and my strategy didn't buy at the open because of that.
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The Fidelity authorization cookie expires so you have to enter credentials again, so it's not possible to stay logged in to Fidelity overnight.

By the way, if coding is a problem then have you tried the script recorder feature of AutoIT?
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I have a tutorial pulled up on it right now Eugene. I'll keep after it until I learn how to use it. Just found out from Fidelity that the timeout (hard coded in the system for WLP) is 10 hours. I've been logging in each morning around 7:00 eastern, so I can catch the entire market day, but for some reason it logged me out before the open. Tonight I will try shutting down the whole program (I've been leaving it up, and just logging in again each morning). Maybe that will make a difference if I am bringing up the WLP program fresh each day.
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Restarting fresh each day is highly recommended. (Not necessarily required, but highly recommended.)
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Thanks Cone. That's the plan. I appreciate your and Eugene's help.
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