Auto-Trading in Paper Account on Intraday Data
Author: Pablo123
Creation Date: 10/1/2014 8:38 PM
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I'm trying to set up autotrading in a paper account using an intraday strategy. I think I am doing everything right but I don't get any trades at the end of the day when I know there are several trades that should have been placed. I have back tested the strategy and it give me trades. The strategy buys on 2% dips.

Here is what I do to set it up it up 2 hours before the market open:

- Add the strategy to the strategy monitor.

- Adjust the Strategy Activation settings as follows;
Account: PaperAccount2 (the account is configured for $50k)
Data Range: 1 day
Position Size: Position Option ( configured to have only 2 open positions, fixed amount $5k)
Scale: 30 minutes
Source Data: Nasdaq 100 (dataset created with 30 minute interval)
Automatic stage orders box checked
Automatic e-mail box checked

-Activate the strategy in Strategy Monitor.

-Login to Fidelity

-In Orders, select "PaperAccounts" from the Autotrading Drop down menu

-Click the Update button.

-At this point the "Next Run" column for the strategy says 10:00 am EST, which makes sense since this is when the first 30 min bar is completed.

I leave the computer on with Wealth-lab running. When I come back at the end of the trading day, no buys show up in the Paper Account2.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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