Assign lot size for individual stock
Author: kenlokc1234
Creation Date: 4/6/2013 6:14 AM
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How could I assign each stock with different lot size , e.g.

0005.HK -- lot size: 400 shares
0023.HK -- lot size: 200 shares

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Select the WealthScript Override option from the Position Size dialog:

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Thanks Eugene.

Is it any way I could also apply the 'percent of equity' limit in the potfolio simulation mode

e.g. Starting Capital : 1,000,000

percent of Equity : 10%

0005.HK's price : 81.35
1,000,000 x 10% / 81.35 = 1229 shares

Round to nearest whole lot size = 1200 shares (400 shares x 3)

0023.HK's price : 30.05
1,000,000 x 10% / 30.05 = 3327 shares

Round to nearest whole lot size = 3200 shares (200 shares x 16)
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This task should be approached by building a custom PosSizer. Consider that a WealthScript Strategy does not have access to its Equity while it's executing, because Strategies are pre-executed with 1 Share size and then a position sizing overlay is applied.
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