Alerts for new targets and stops in Trades Tab
Author: johnls101
Creation Date: 9/9/2014 2:41 AM
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One of my current short term systems buys at close. I have sorted out the BuyAtMarket alerts to tell me the priority signal and the target for the next day when I buy. I have also sorted out the sell signal when for I am timed out of a trade.

However, I do not know if there is a way to set an alert for those days where I am still in an “open” trade, but need to change a stop or target level i.e. those days where there is no buy signal, but where the target or a stop for the next day shifts to something new in a trade that remains open.

Is there a way to set alerts for open trades so that I can conveniently see what new targets or stops there should be? It would be nice to be able to see these on the trades tab without having to go into each chart to get the new stops and targets.
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Alerts are shown on the Alerts tab, not on the Trades tab.
Entry alerts are not repeated once the position was entered.
When an exit level for bar+1 has been adjusted, you will see an exit Alert automatically for the next bar.

Otherwise please clarify your question.
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What I had done was to calculate the limit target from bar-1 and applied the sell order at bar. I have now corrected this to the limit calculated at bar and applied at bar+1 and the alerts work fine. Sorry - pretty obvious in hindsight.
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