Adding multiple instruments to Symbol Info Manager
Author: maninjapan
Creation Date: 3/14/2014 7:52 AM
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I have a group of futures That I would like to add to Wealth-Lab, but would like to know if there is a way to add a group of symbols at once, rather than having to enter them individually via the Symbol Info Manager. All symbols have the same Point Value, Tick and Decimals.


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Two options:

1. Use regular expressions to match many symbols at once. This powerful feature is explained with examples in the Wealth-Lab User Guide: Reference > Symbol Info Manager > Fields / Properties

2. Close WLD and edit the configuration file manually (unsupported and error-prone):

c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\SymbolInfo.xml
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Thanks Eugene, Just what I was looking for.
I am looking at Calendar spreads though, am I able to do the following with this:
ESH4ESM4 (ES March14/June14 Calendar Spread)

Or is this method only available for outright Future contracts?

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It should work. It doesn't matter to the program to what symbol the expression will be applied to: it's just a string anyway.
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Thanks, Eugene. I have just tried it and it seems to be working fine. Saved me a lot of time with this!

Thanks again!!
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