ASCII Data: No Data Available
Author: Christos
Creation Date: 12/14/2012 10:35 AM
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Although I can see the symbol in Data Manager / ASCII Data when I try to run a strategy or open a chart WL does not find any data. What could be the cause?
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* Selected data loading range.
* An overriding Market Manager setting. Uncheck ASCII provider (click the yellow ribbon) and hit F5 to verify.
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Unfortunately I don't understand your solution. I opened market manager and unchecked the ASCII provider and hit F5.

Nothing changed though. I have also searched within the forum and nothing came up.

I am facing this problem with specific symbols. I isolated the relavant txt files and imported them seperately. The import process works fine which means that the file is not damaged but when I try to create a simple chart I get a "no data available" window chart.
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It's not a solution. We're trying to narrow down possible causes.

So if disabling in Market Manager has no effect, you may enable the ASCII provider in the MM again.

Then select "All data" on the instrument's chart. Will it make the data appear?
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Thanks - it worked. Selecting all data make the data appear but when I try to select a narrower time period it shows the same "data available" window chart.
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What narrower time period have you selected? Does that period actually exist when you view All Data?

For example, if you select to load "Most Recent 1 Year", but the data ends on Dec 14, 2011, there will be "No Data Available".
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You are right - I thought I had already checked that but I found no difference in month and day. The difference was in the year. Thanks
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