4 digit decimals needed on Fibonacci and Cross Hair drawing tools
Author: BarisKaya
Creation Date: 3/20/2014 2:59 AM
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when working with fibonacci levels on FX, fibonacci drawing tool shows only 2 decimals on the chart i.e. 50% retracement for EURUSD is @ 1.35, 61.8% @ 1.33 which does not make any sense for forex. I have adjusted the 'Pricing Decimal Places' and 'Indicator Decimal Places' to 4 under Preferences but still it doesnt make any difference. Same problem happens with the cross hair tool, it shows only 2 decimals and would like to see 4 decimals to identify levels when working on FX.

Can you help with this please?

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We can only agree that those readouts should conform to the instrument's pricing decimals, so it's a deficiency that we'll try to get changed in a future release.
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