"No data available" for a futures symbol in Yahoo DataSet
Author: andriuking
Creation Date: 1/4/2013 6:51 PM
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I´m new using WL and my English level is not good, I´m sorry.

I´m trying to create a commodities dataset with yahoo data provider and when I create it, when I try draw a chart on any simbol WL shows a message: 'no data avaliable'. I saw also when I update data WL don´t find these instruments in yahoo.

One of them is GC gold (GCG13 is gold contract february 2013). The ticker is 'GCG13' and I can find it in yahoo finance:


But when I introduce that code to dataset list WL don´t find it. I tried introduce symbol with '.CMX' and without, using the option to add automatically.

Why the instrument is not find by WL?

Somebody can helps me?



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This is a FAQ for years:

FAQ | Data and Data Providers > "Is it possible to get the futures data from Yahoo?"

It's not the instrument couldn't be found by WL, but its historical data is physically not available at Yahoo.
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Thanks Eugene!

I didn´t see that part.

Do you know if exist a daily free provider for commodities?

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Yes, there are:

TradingBlox Static Provider
PiTrading Static Provider (daily data updated on a monthly basis)


Free COT Data static provider (commitment of traders data)
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I find that extension for quotemedia:

Thanks Eugene!
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You're right Andrés: QM should support futures data too. I just don't remember if I tested it well when developing this provider.
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I test both, and TradingBox have the same problem that Yahoo: when I try draw a chart on instruments shows 'no data avaliable'

PiTrading works well!

Thanks Eugene :-).
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No, it's not nearly the same problem. Either you haven't updated the futures DataSet by TradingBlox (or update failed), or have selected a date range that is not applicable to the contract. Loading "All data" will show what went wrong. If it's #1, then highlight the DataSet in the Data Manager and check out the bars count.
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