"Holiday Study" III / IV example (Election dates)
Author: gbullr
Creation Date: 11/6/2012 5:33 PM
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Has the code from the example on Holiday Study III / IV (2005) been simplified by any chance?


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Simplified in what sense? Do you mean translated to C# for WL6? (afaik, not yet)
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Is there an easier way than that program to find performance of S&P 500 around elections for example.

around = 1 month after or month before.

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You simply need to find if the year even-numbered and divisible by four, and the date is the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

Please log in to see this code.

This example code is a bit simplified as that Tuesday should fall on any date from November 2 to November 8.

The rest is up to you!
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